袋鼠vp n官网

The mission of the Academic Personnel Office is to ensure the continued excellence of Berkeley's entire academic staff so that our campus can fulfill its core missions: offering broad access to a superb education, pushing forward the frontiers of knowledge, and serving the public good.

We work closely with the Vice Provost for the Faculty to maintain high standards and fair processes in academic appointments, promotions, and merit increases. We help academic HR staff, faculty, chairs, and deans to stay up-to-date about the University’s policies and practices so that we can sustain a broadly shared understanding across our campus. 

In partnership with the Office of Faculty Equity and Welfare, we classify non-senate appointments into the appropriate title series and approve appointments at non-delegated levels.

We administer APBears, the Academic Personnel at Berkeley Electronic Achievements and Review System, for the campus and also collect and analyze data to assess the effectiveness of our current academic personnel practices and to identify areas in which the campus may improve. 

We also manage a CalNet authenticated site, BMAP, Berkeley Manual of Academic Personnel, that focuses on policies, processes, and practices concerning ladder-rank faculty.

袋鼠vp n官网

袋鼠vp n官网

COVID-19 and AP issues


CALENDAR 2021-22
Cases with July 1, 2021 effective date


IP地址 、子网掩码 、路由器 、DNS基础知识 - hebtv:2021-2-2 · 但是实际可用的IP地址数量是256-2,即254个,因为主机号不能全是“0”或全是“1”。子网掩码是“”的网络:后面两个数字可伍在0~255范围内任意变化,可伍提供255²个IP地址。但是实际可用的IP地址数量是255²-2,即65023个。


东北网2021年03月04日新闻汇总:上门修电脑迷奸女白领 拍照要挟“再当一个月情人” 2021-03-04 10:57 [1196][东北网报料] 伪造驾照开大客 拘留十天罚七千 2021-03-04 10:57 [1197][东北网报料] 埋怨命运不公想转财运 女大学生被“大仙”骗走近万元 2021-03-04 10:57 [1198][东北网报料]